Redeemer West Side
Welcome to the podcast of Redeemer West Side. Our church is located on Manhattan's Upper West Side where we are living out the sacred call by Jesus to love our neighbors and heal our city.
Redeemer West Side
Redeemer Presbyterian Church West Side
Season 22
Episode 1
TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | Jeremiah 29:1-9
An “exile” is someone who’s been displaced from their homeland, having undergone an experience of disruption/disorientation. The theme of “exile” runs throughout the Bible. The apostle Peter describes the church as “foreigners and exiles” (1 Pet 2v18). Here in Jeremiah 29, we see God’s people in exile, and God reminds them that he is the one who sent them there (v4). This sermon will explore exile as a part of the human condition and how understanding “exile” can help God’s people rightly relate to their earthly city as they look forward to the heavenly city.