Redeemer West Side
Welcome to the podcast of Redeemer West Side. Our church is located on Manhattan's Upper West Side where we are living out the sacred call by Jesus to love our neighbors and heal our city.
Redeemer West Side
Redeemer Presbyterian Church West Side
Season 19
Episode 2
The heart of the Christian life is abiding in Jesus, living in union with him. This sermon explores what it means to abide in Jesus as well as what are some of the challenges to abiding in him.
“A skilled gardener never cuts off anything, never prunes off anything, that wouldn’t have been a loss to keep and a gain to lose” (Tim Keller). “A pruned vine is not very pretty. What previously looked vibrant and beautiful is cut down to the stubs… vinedressers talk about pruning as wounding… For spiritual vitality and fruitfulness, we often need a stripping away of what feels beautiful in our lives, what seems needed. This is difficult” (John Starke).