Redeemer West Side
Welcome to the podcast of Redeemer West Side. Our church is located on Manhattan's Upper West Side where we are living out the sacred call by Jesus to love our neighbors and heal our city.
Redeemer West Side
Here am I. Send me.
Redeemer Presbyterian Church West Side
Season 18
Episode 3
Audio Player
00:00 | 29:27
TODAY’S SCRIPTURE | Isaiah 6:1-10
How can you know if you’ve really met with the living God? One sign is that you surrender your life to God. Like Isaiah, you say to him, “Here am I. Send me”. Notice that Isaiah commits to serving God before he knows exactly what God will ask of him. There’s no bargaining; only surrender to the holy one. This sermon will invite RWS into the liberating (if not frightening!) life of spending and being spent for God’s mission in the city.