Redeemer West Side
Welcome to the podcast of Redeemer West Side. Our church is located on Manhattan's Upper West Side where we are living out the sacred call by Jesus to love our neighbors and heal our city.
Podcasting since 2022 • 133 episodes
Redeemer West Side
Latest Episodes
Repentance and the Kingdom
Given by Rev. Bijan Mirtolooi. TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | Mark 1:14-20In his famous 95 Theses, Martin Luther remarked that the entirety of the Christian life is one of repentance. This is fitting, for when Jesus’ begins his public ...
Season 23
Episode 1

Bringing Friends to Jesus
Given by Rev. Bijan Mirtolooi. TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | Mark 2:1-12In Mark 2, we see someone whose life was radically and holistically healed by Jesus. But he would not have experienced healing from Jesus if it were not for his fr...
Season 22
Episode 9
Everyone Needed
Given by Rev. Bijan Mirtolooi. TODAY'S SCRIPTURE | Ephesians 2:19-22In his book, Side by Side, Ed Welch describes church as a place where every person is both needy and needed. Using the imagery of “temple” to describe the ch...
Season 22
Episode 8